Start Here to Orient Yourself

This site covers the topic comprehensively and aims to cover practical information on every topic that impacts this choice of lifestyle.

Why this website? The web is full of hits on the subject.

What About COVID?

True, but finding useful, reliable, and organized information can be like drinking from a fire hose; there is just TOO much out there, too many dead ends, and many too frustrating to access. 

How To Teach Overseas aims to be a one-stop guide and clearinghouse, interactive and full of stories, links, and reliable data, the very best place to start if you want to become a teacher in an international school.

The pandemic has upended the world economy which means the international school market along with it. Check out this discussion from the ISR Discussion Board Is going international still worth it?

(a) yes (b) no (c) it depends (d) all of the above.

I believe the answer is (d)…

The main issues listed in the discussion were that many teachers have been stuck and unable to get home for almost two years/ sudden enrollment drops led to lost jobs/ predatory for-profit schools have exploded in number/ salaries and benefits have become less generous/ life overseas has become more difficult.

Time will tell and things are changing daily. This might be a good year to stay put and save money until the COVID fallout has settled. I’ll post links under COVID in Resources as the situation unfolds.

Is the expat lifestyle for me?

Has the idea of teaching overseas been in the back of your mind for a while? Or maybe you need to scratch an itch to travel but need to work? Or perhaps a vague dissatisfaction hangs over your daily life as a teacher and you need a change? Or maybe this rich possibility of a new way of life never even occurred to you? 

No matter your reasons, How To Teach Overseas aims to provide enough inspiration and practical background for you to get that first job. Or reading the site might help you realize this lifestyle is not for you, at least not now.

Can I still teach overseas without a teaching certificate?

Who are you to write this blog?

Of course. You can can teach English to students desiring to learn the language in private or language schools. This category of job is sometimes called TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and sometimes TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). 

This website will not be providing much information on these schools, mainly because I never worked in one and have no firsthand knowledge. However, you might start your search with this roundup of good resources from the wonderful website Transitions Abroad. It includes introductory articles, job boards, forums, news, and even lesson planning resources. 

  • Because I worked in international schools in American Samoa, Austria, Russia, Dubai, and Thailand.

  • Because I was a librarian and my superpower is researching and organizing information.

  • Because every time I turn around lately, some teacher sidles up and asks how they can teach overseas like I did.

  • Because it may be your time to teach overseas, and I want to help you make that happen.

Find out more about my experience on the About page.