
2.3 The Classroom

Classroom Support

A Day In The Life
— The Beatles

Best Case Scenario

If you’ve ever taught in a well-resourced school in your home country, you might have an idea what you might expect from an international school classroom.


• Classroom aides

• Small class sizes

• Teaching resources, enough for everybody

• Classroom supplies in abundance

• Specials (art, music, library, PE, counselors)

• Few if any discipline problems

• Academically capable and ambitious students

• Most likely no Special Education students

• Parental support

Sigh. Makes you feel happy just thinking about such a well-ordered, well-stocked, well-run workplace.

Class Size, Aides, and Specials

Small classes (20 is considered large) and an aide in every elementary classroom is typically the default. There may even be a staffer to run the copy machine. What used to be the standard specials like PE, art and music, librarians and counselors are also the norm.

Professional Development (PD)

One element of the teacher package to ask about would be PD support i.e. will the school pay for conference attendance or other training? How many days are granted? A pleasant quirk is that if you work at an IB World School, you might well be sent to Geneva, Switzerland for training.

Teaching Materials

It may strike you as odd, but early in the school year, your administrator will ask what teaching materials you’ll need for next year. Frequently, materials are ordered from the US and take a full year to arrive. Besides hiring, ISS sometimes sets up and runs new schools and arranges school supply, and so your orders might go through them.

Alternately, some schools keep a supply room jam-packed with every teaching supply a teacher might ever need. English-language books can be very expensive locally and hard to come by. This has eased thanks to widespread availability of Internet downloads, thankfully.


Olympic sized pool in Chiang Mai

Olympic sized pool in Chiang Mai

Because the international school market is so competitive and because tuition is typically so high, the physical plant tends to be well-maintained, beautiful, and in a green space outside a sometimes chaotic central city.

Frequently there is an elementary and a separate secondary campus, if the school is big enough. The maintenance crew is numerous and keeps things tidy.

Maintenance Staff and Guards

Janitors in Thailand performed the full range  of duties.

Janitors in Thailand performed the full range of duties.

In Thailand the staff came in handy when a cobra got into the boarding school laundry room; they killed it and cooked it for lunch. In Austria we called the maintenance workers “the green guys” because of their work coveralls. Guards and gate attendants and putz-frau (cleaning ladies) filled out the staff. In Russia the staff would start your car to warm it up before you left for school and used a shedload of tools to break up ice in the parking lot.


Again, because of the competitiveness of the international school market, up-to-date technology is frequently a selling point and competitive edge. It is not unusual for each classroom to have a smart board and for each student to have his or her own tablet and for instruction to be delivered and work turned in electronically.

Extracurricular and After-School Activities

Coaching and ASA (After-School Activities) are decidedly part of your job as a teacher at an international school. These schools are Western islands in a foreign sea and are therefore closer-knit than you might be used to. They serve a huge role as community centers for the school families.

This means you may be chaperoning sports trips to Warsaw or taking the MUN (Model United Nations) group to Dublin. Or you may have to drum up a robotics club as your twice a week ASA. Part of the package.

Diversity and Global Outlook


One of the most characteristic features of an international school is right in front of the teacher when s/he calls the roll. Diversity in this context means children from any one of 50+ countries could be in your classroom.

You might hear a regular Babel of languages in the hallways and lunchroom. Or better yet, you might hear them all speak English, which is the point of an international school.

Curriculum Options

Variety’s the very spice of life,
That gives it all its flavor.
— William Cowper

True enough, but too much variety may lead to chaos. So how does an international school structure what goes on in the classroom? What teaching materials are used?

When a job posting reads Teacher of IBDP and IBMYP Language A: English, what does that mean? In other words, what curriculum is used in a given school?

Generally, the categories of curriculum are:

  1.        IB (International Baccalaureate)

  2.        AP (Advanced Placement)

  3.        IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education)

  4.        National (Canadian, Australian, Korean, Japanese, French, Indian, Pakistani, etc.)

Parents are paying extraordinary tuition, most over $20,000 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE,) for instance. What parents need and want for their children determines which curricula they choose.

If their child will be returning to their home country for university and expects to build a career in the United Kingdom, for instance, the decision is made. This assumes the city is large enough to support more than one category of school.

International Baccalaureate


But if the parent anticipates the child will be an expat with a global outlook, IB works best. What is IB? It was established in 1968 with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2016 IB had 4,538 World Schools (their term) and 161,408 exam DP (Diploma Program) candidates.

That means students must take and pass exams in various subject areas to be granted university credit or receive a boost for university admission. The marks are crucial, just as in AP (Advanced Placement) classes for American schools.

“For schools that have achieved the high standards required for authorization, one of the benefits is to be known as an IB World School and to make use of the IB make use of the IB brand.”

The curriculum consists of four programmes. Note the spelling, as there is a strong British flavor to IB:

  • DP (Diploma Program) - high school, culminates in IB exams

  • MYP (Middle Years Program) - not found so often as DP or PYP

  • PYP (Primary Years Program) - requires much teacher collaboration and student initiative

  • CP (Career-Related Program) - I haven’t experienced this; uncommon.

IB is built around the Learner Profile, which emphasizes students taking responsibility for their own learning. IB has a well-developed promotional and professional development arm. Some people snarkily refer to IB as a cult.

IB really isn’t “for all.”

IB really isn’t “for all.”

A friend returned from overseas and taught at a self-described “IB For All” school in Massachusetts. It didn’t really work that well. The problem was that successful IB students need a high level of general knowledge, good academic skills, and the ability to work independently and collaboratively. Not all students do, unfortunately.

Advanced Placement

This program is built on the same principles as IB, mainly a challenging curriculum and exams which can lead to college credit and even skipping entry-level university courses.

AP credits are almost universally accepted in American universities and increasingly in international colleges. If a school is big enough, as at the American School of Paris, it may offer both. But AP is still nowhere near as common as IB.

Some schools like AIS Vienna offer acurriculum based on the American system with an international flavor.” Others use the Common Core framework.

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

This is the British curriculum featuring an exam array from Accounting to Urdu, leading to A-Level exams, which are a requirement for university entrance in the United Kingdom. If a city is big enough, there may be a school featuring the British curriculum and another with the IB or American curriculum.

National Curricula

Again, if a city is big enough, there might be an array of schools featuring curricula from the home country. Vienna, for instance, has a French Lycée, a Svenska Skolan, and a Japanese school.

In addition even if a student attends an IB or American-style school, he or she might also attend a cram school just to be prepared to enter university when the parents return home.

Bottom line? This decision depends on what the parents plan for their child.

Models of Instruction


When you build a house, it’s all about the foundation. In instructional terms this means the school’s curriculum determines the instructional model.

So in an IB World School, for instance, the youngest elementary students PreK-2 will learn through inquiry-based instruction. This model requires extra teacher training (you may be sent for IB training) and for students who have the language skills and background knowledge to manage this style of learning.

Grade-level and subject area teams are the norm, and differentiation in the classroom is made much easier by the generous number of classroom aides.


If the curriculum is not IB, then other more traditional instructional models govern the classroom: traditional textbook-based/ outcome-based backward by design formats/ or thematic units that a teacher favors.

Most frequently the school will be divided into elementary/middle/high school divisions, and often a Nursery/PreK section. The structure will mirror that of a British or American school.

Special Education Implications

International schools are seldom able to accommodate children with severe disabilities. However, you might expect a handful of mildly-disabled students: LD/ ADHD/ on the spectrum/ sometimes blind or deaf, sometimes even with a full-time aide.

What you will not see is a classroom with numerous severe BD students and a high percentage of non-English speaking students. International schools have no legal obligation to serve these students and it is too costly to provide services.

The US Department of State delicately notes that “children with moderate to severe difficulties still encounter major challenges.” This means diplomats with children in these categories won’t be sent overseas. DoDEA schools will be more able to provide some services, but not to the degree available back home.

English-language Learners

Younger ELL students become fluent more easily, generally speaking.

Younger ELL students become fluent more easily, generally speaking.

Attaining fluency in English and preparing for admission to good universities is the reason international schools exist. Some schools will not admit older students with weak or non-existent English. Refer back to the discussion of IB and AP testing to understand why.

Instructional models for ELL (English-language learners) have some quirks. Below are the most usual formats for non-native speakers:

• Inclusion. Just drop the child into an English-language classroom environment. The younger the child, the better the outcome.

• Self-contained classrooms focusing on English-language instruction. This model is intended to end when the child has reached a benchmark.

• Pullout for intensive English language instruction with core classes. The child is mainstreamed into electives and perhaps math.

• Mainstreaming, perhaps with an aide or other support as needed.

International School Teaching Staff

Who’s on first?
— Bud Abbott and Lou Costello

Overseas Vs. Local Hires

Let’s start with the two main groups of international school teachers. First are overseas hires, meaning foreign teachers. Overseas teachers are hired through recruiting fairs or by online interviews.

Overseas hires are in a class apart from the next group, financially better off by a long way, with benefits the other class of teacher can only dream about.

Local hires provide the backbone of the school, at less financial cost.

Local hires provide the backbone of the school, at less financial cost.

Then there are local hires. These teachers already live in-country for various reasons. They may be local citizens or a Westerner married to a local.

Typically they teach the national curriculum or the local language. Their salary schedule is an emaciated version of the expat teacher’s.

For benefits, they might receive health care and perhaps contribution to a retirement plan, but no housing, tuition for their children, no flight home, no conference travel. Nothing extra. Local hires are financial second-class citizens.


Because a successful international school requires a certain proportion of native English speakers; parents demand it. And few Westerners are going to leave home, travel to a foreign country on their own dime and work for shockingly low wages and no benefits. Period.

The school might be able to hire random poorly qualified Western teachers who just happen to be in the country, but that won’t work out over time, not with the tuition parents pay. So the school is stuck, and it’s the local hires who bear the brunt while the expats live high on the hog.

Types of International School Teachers

Tourist Teacher

In it for adventure and jolt of adrenaline provided by change. In Year One they arrive/ get settled/ travel a lot/ do a capable job in the classroom. But they are already making plans for the next move and by winter of Year Two, they’re been hired by the next school and will be gone by the start of Year Three.

Most-Likely-To-Break-Contract Teacher (Heidi)

Doing a “Heidi” means breaking contract.

Doing a “Heidi” means breaking contract.

Why Heidi? Because in one school year in Moscow, two teachers coincidentally named Heidi broke contract and left before Christmas. One’s boyfriend was very ill back home and the other got dropped into a band program with no musical instruments; they had not arrived yet. So this is my shorthand for breaking contract.

This group either fell into an international school career (Saudi? Why not?) or they are running away from some personal or financial mess or they are just overwhelmed.

Depending on the nature of their motivations, personality and character, potential Heidis can either become perpetual complainers and crack under the pressure. Or they may feel liberated and settle into this new life having left their problem behind and found a congenial lifestyle.

Career Lifer

They have made international schools their permanent career and worked in many schools and countries. They tend to be steady, pragmatic, and tolerant.

They’ve been everywhere even though they are still connected to their home country and may plan to retire there. Their children are TCK (Third Culture Kids) and equally worldly-wise.

Second-Career/ Retired Teachers

Not quite ready to retire yet.

Not quite ready to retire yet.

They seek one last adventure before settling down to spoil their grandkids. They’ve had long and typically successful careers behind them and have mellowed enough to be a steadying influence on the faculty. In baseball these guys are called good in the clubhouse.

Local Lifer

Occasionally a foreigner finds a city or country that just feels like home, and they stay. They may marry a local and raise their children in Vienna or Chiang Mai, learn the language, settle, and let ties to their home country wither. Local lifers are worth hanging around with for their depth of local knowledge.

Trailing Spouse

When a husband/wife is posted overseas, the spouse, possibly unwillingly, ends up getting a teaching or substitute job. Most often these postings are for just a few years, so the trailing spouse may be adaptable enough to be successful or just the opposite. It’s a difficult high wire act. More later.

International School Administrators

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.

— William Shakespeare. Henry IV, Part 2

The administrative structure is pretty much in the same mold as a government-sponsored school anywhere. The main difference is that the school typically stands alone, so instead of a district with a superintendent, international schools have a head of school.

Head of School

If you take a look at the career paths of a typical crop of new administrative overseas hires, you will note a common theme – they generally have considerable international school experience.


When you list their responsibilities, it is easy to see why. They need to perform all these duties, but in a foreign country:

1. Strategic planning – growing the school.

2. Fiduciary management – keeping the school on sound financial footing.

3. Dealing with the Board of Trustees, Embassy, and local government.

4. Handling parents diplomatically.

5. Attending many/most school and community events.

6. Recruiting talented staff.

7. Managing curriculum and accreditation.

8. Preparing emergency plans and campus security.

Administrative Staff

If the school is big enough, the head of school will have both local and overseas staff. If the school is tiny, guess what? The head of school does it all and may even teach a class or two. Bigger schools may have separate departments like:

• Finance department/ business manager

• Admissions director

• Curriculum and Instruction supervisor

• Facilities manager and maintenance

• IT (Instructional Technology) department

Local Staff

The main office could not operate without the highly capable bilingual local staff. They always seem to be over-qualified, but the school would crash in a day without their local knowledge.

These staffers seem to move easily in both the expat and local environments, like salmon, which swim in both fresh and saltwater. Be nice to these people. They will be there long after you have moved on and will prove immensely helpful.



A large enough school may have an elementary, middle school, and high school division, each with its own principal and separate staff. These principals deal directly with students, instruction, teacher evaluation and day-to-day operations.

They suffer less bureaucracy and Special Education paperwork and fear of litigation. But there is still plenty to do and plenty of problems walking in the door.

Peter Principle - Impact on the Classroom

As with life in general, administrative talent is not evenly distributed. The Peter Principle notes that employees tend to get promoted until they reach their level of incompetence.

This rule holds true for international school leadership, of course. There are some miserable principals and heads of school, even though most are experienced and capable.

But a feature peculiar to international schools is their autonomy, which in practical terms means administrators have a much freer hand than they would in a school district.

A bad administrator can turn the school sour within a few months and short-term, nobody can stop him/her. International schools are especially vulnerable to this rapid-turnover collapse.

So when you read school reviews, keep in mind the review date – a bad administrator can ruin a school pretty quickly. Confirm how long the administration has been in place and whether changes loom. Then decide.

So there you have a roundup of the factors which determine what goes on in your classroom every day. Next let’s move on to your customers, meaning the students and their parents.

5.3 Health and Safety

I wake up every day and think, “I’m breathing! It’s a good day.” – Eve Ensler

Schools In Unhealthy Places


You could be taking years off your life if you work at a school in a heavily polluted city. “I was sick most days with respiratory problems from the lead used in the fuel of the millions of cars that jammed the roads…lethal air and strange and toxic smells emitted from factories…the worry of food being tampered with, vegetables grown in toxic soil.”

In August 2020 the AQI in Delhi was 597. By comparison a sunny spring day in Oregon AQI is 23; statewide fires that same autumn poisoned the air for weeks. Just try to imagine breathing that every day. Should you work in unhealthy conditions?

As always, do your research. Here are some resources:

  •     Geosure – app that rounds up safety data and warnings.

  •     US Department of State travel advisories.

  •   Center for Disease Control (CDC)– alerts by level.

  •    World Nomads – insurance company that does a good job rounding up alerts and providing good general advice.

     Evaluate the Dangers

I was happy in the midst of dangers
and inconveniences.
- Daniel Boone

“One child developed an odd muscular twitch that wouldn’t go away.” This HuffPost reminiscence from a diplomatic spouse is illuminating, unnerving, and inspiring, all at once. Of course, this decision matters most if you have children. Consider these hazards:

1.     Insects carrying disease (roaches, mosquitos, vermin), tropical diseases like malaria and dengue fever, tropical rashes, and asthma - are there vaccines for these diseases and how clean are school facilities i.e. mold?

2.     Air and water pollution – check the air quality index AQI. Do school facilities have good air purifiers and how frequently is outdoor recess impossible?

In some countries, coal-fired plants, vehicle exhaust, chemical and industrial factories, and burning trash spew toxins without any restraint. Not every country forbids leaded fuel.


In others like India, Thailand, and Burma, the agricultural burning season darkens and clogs the skies every year. This top 10 most polluted cities roundup is shocking. China shows some improvement but India is worsening.

3. Adulterated food and water - if you can’t flush the toilet paper, you can’t drink the water, so how will you access clean water? In Russia 5-gallon Nestle water jugs were delivered and set up weekly. Will this be possible for you?


Precaution is better than cure. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Once you have a handle on exactly how dangerous a location might be, you can make an informed decision. Don’t automatically cross a school off your list, but be proactive. Plenty of teachers work happily and profitably in polluted cities. However,

  •  Be up to date on all necessary vaccinations, especially if certain diseases are endemic. Follow State Department guidelines.

  •  Bring prescription medications with you, enough to last. Occasionally, local equivalents are just fine, but verify ahead of time.

  • Use a water dispenser or safe bottled water and consider installing air purifiers. Some schools may have effective air cleaner systems.

  • Discuss your concerns with the school.

  • Research, read blogs, and talk to staff.

The decide whether to go, but first evaluate the risks. I know all this sounds like you should never leave home, but risk can be managed (mostly.) Of course, think twice if you’re bringing young children with you.

Health Issues


Pre-existing health conditions could be a show-stopper. Schools won’t not want to hire someone who will explode their insurance costs. Thoroughly examine the school’s insurance policy and read every word.

Read the fine print and think about worst-case scenarios.

Read the fine print and think about worst-case scenarios.

You never know when disaster may strike. Verify exclusions, pre-existing conditions, dates of cover, and medical facilities the school uses. Consider buying a backup personal policy from World Nomads, which can be expensive but may be necessary. Or just don’t go to a school without good coverage.

Disability Access

There is no ADA overseas (the A stands for American) and countries vary wildly in disability accessibility. If you use a wheelchair, for instance, you might have a problem at the school or in school housing, never mind out in public. There are no guarantees, so discuss this with the school in advance.

Emergency Services

Even if the school’s insurance coverage is excellent, you might also consider evacuation insurance. God forbid you need specialized treatment outside the country or have a bad accident while traveling.

Keep the Embassy emergency number on speed dial.

Keep the Embassy emergency number on speed dial.

And do you know what number to dial in a health emergency? It’s not 911, that’s for sure. Find out before you need to know and keep the phone number handy.

The overseas world features at least two unique medical issues. One is what is currently (Feb. 2020) happening in Wuhan China; you could end up quarantined or locked out of the country. The variables shift daily. Editing this today (April 2021) it all seems prophetic, doesn’t it?

You might also learn the term medical tourism and take advantage of the savings. The cost differentials are stunning. A $40,000 hip replacement would cost $17,000 in Thailand, for instance.


In Chiang Mai I suddenly developed vision difficulty and had to bail out of school “week without walls.” The doctor correctly diagnosed and treated the problem, the procedure cost virtually nothing, and her English was great (naturally) as she’d trained in Boston. If I ever need knee replacement, I know where I’m going.

Mental Health           

Aristotle said it best – mind and body. To maintain your sanity and happiness, let’s just repeat the standard advice:                   

o   Exercise – although depending on the level of air pollution, you might consider working out in the gym if the school air is filtered to minimize the toxins.

o   Eat healthy, drink moderately, sleep well, repeat.          

o   Avoid risky behaviors.

o   Nurture your support network.

Safety Overseas

An ounce of prevention is worth a stitch in time.
Benjamin Franklin

Actual vs. Perceived Risks

There has been a ton of research on this issue. Suffice it to say that humans are fundamentally irrational in this matter. Humans tend to over-react to spectacular risks and underreact to common dangers.

“People worry more about earthquakes than they do about slipping on the bathroom floor, even though the latter kills far more people than the former,” for instance.

Note: it might provide some perspective to compare threats perceived by travelers to the USA. This summarizes what Aussies think of traveling to the US: guns, terrorism, civil unrest, natural disasters. They also exaggerate the dangers SEE Actual vs. Perceived Risk.

 Political Hot Spots and High-Crime Countries

Besides health hazards, you might also be putting yourself and your family in a dangerous situation by moving to a country experiencing instability or one especially prone to crime. A country can undergo a coup or riots and become unsafe in a flash.

The voice of experience from an ISR thread.

The voice of experience from an ISR thread.

Best to create your own evacuation plan. I always had USD cash ($2000) + local cash, 2 liters water, passport, basic survival gear, and 2 changes of clothing in a backpack for grab and go. If it was a country where dressing local made me invisible, I also had 1 set of “native” clothing. In an emergency minutes count, as borders close quickly. You can bet locals will need to help their families–NOT you. Embassy staff plans fall apart when embassies are overrun. Best bet is often to head to nearest border crossing and bribe to get out. This is the voice of experience talking by the way.

Some places are inherently or currently unsafe, either due to crime or political uproar. What should you do? Should you take a job at that school? How can you practice due diligence? Here are some basic steps:

  •    Follow the news.

  •   Check State Department alerts. This example is Guatemala.

  •  Remember that your Embassy is not responsible for you, although they can assist.

  •  Be blunt and just ask the school what their safety plan is. The director may try to make light of dangers, but you’ve done the research.

  • Then make an informed decision. Why do some expats stay? Here is one answer from Amanda Isberg on the front lines of Venezuela. Here are some other horror stories, which may give you pause.

However, notice a few mitigating factors in both these posts : 

1)     Not all these countries/cities are universally dangerous

Decide for yourself if it’s worth the risk.

Decide for yourself if it’s worth the risk.

2)     Proper care and behavior can definitely mitigate the risk.

3)      Some people have a higher tolerance for crime than others.

4)     Sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks.

5)     Just remind yourself that the US can also be very dangerous.

Common Sense Precautions

These red plates stand out. and mark you instantly as a foreigner. Never mind that it’s an expensive Western car!

These red plates stand out. and mark you instantly as a foreigner. Never mind that it’s an expensive Western car!

You might as well be wearing Day-Glo since the locals can peg you as a foreigner at 100 meters. And if that weren’t enough of a tell, teacher cars in Russia, for instance, were registered as diplomatic vehicles and featured red license plates.

Expats are perceived as wealthy and therefore a high value crime target, mostly petty crime. Get over it and take sensible precautions.

Try to blend in as much as you can, do not flash anything that looks expensive, lock valuables out of sight, be nice to the guards at school housing. The usual precautions apply of course i.e. drunk alone at night in a dodgy neighborhood is asking for trouble, isn’t it?  

Schools that keep your passport, most typically in the Middle East, are generally a red flag. Without a passport and/or exit visa, you are at the mercy of the school. Think twice about going to such a school.


Of course a terrorist can mow down dozens of people on a sidewalk or classroom. Oh, wait a minute. That was in Parkland, FL, Newtown, MA or manh places in the US _______fill in the blank. The risks are completely random and impossible to truly defend against.

Cynically, we’ve actually felt safer traveling in a place that has had a recent terrorist event. That mean plenty of guards, barely any Westerners, and wonderful service. In Cappadocia, Turkey after an incident, we had the entire site to ourselves, with only a Ukrainian tourist family for company and lots of guards with guns.

Women and People of Color

Sexism is everywhere, bro. I don’t know if it’s ever not somewhere. - Billie Eilish

Sigh. There is simply no getting around it. Attitudes have changed but not enough. It’s still a man’s world with the dangers and everyday annoyances that weigh most heavily on women and minorities.

Particularly in the Developing World, open displays of racism occur with godawful frequency. From veiled women in the Middle East to catcalls in Italy, women are viewed as weaker and therefore more vulnerable to attack.

Behavior that would not be worth a second thought at home, as in dress or public behaviors, can be provocative in some countries. As always, do your homework.

 Police and Corruption

I’m not against the police; I’m just afraid of them. - Alfred Hitchcock

In many countries, not all, bribery and police corruption may be the norm. The best advice? Do what your Embassy suggests. Trying to bribe an official is not a good idea. Suggestions if you are stopped by the police:


§  Always carry your official ID card, which is generally required at all times, but do not carry your passport unless you absolutely must.

§  Keep your phone charged and have the Embassy or Consulate emergency number handy. Your school should provide instructions for what to do in this situation.

§  Don’t do anything stupid or be rude and aggressive. Be firm and sit tight. 

Traffic Is the Greatest Danger

They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic. - Steve Wright, comedian

In terms of statistics, transportation is far more likely to get you killed or injured than any other hazard. In my years overseas I was never robbed or assaulted; however, I was involved in two car accidents in Thailand, #2 on this list of accidents per capita.

This is probably about average. If you do decide to buy a car and drive, practice extreme defensive driving and abide by local norms. That means if everybody drives on the sidewalk, you should too.

Much of the problem arises from cheap, barely roadworthy cars dumped on the local market, inexperienced drivers, lax or non-existent licensing, lack of infrastructure like shoulders and zebra crossings, jam-packed buses, and swarms of motorcycles. All this is in addition to the usual speeding, drunk driving, and general carelessness. Good luck.

Perspective On Safety

The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise. - Tacitus

I’ll just leave you with two thoughts and two book recommendations.

  1. There is no such thing as perfect safety. Just prepare as best you can, then live your life joyfully.

  2. The world is actually much safer and more civilized than it has ever been in human history. Try to maintain perspective and relax.

Steven Pinker’s 2011 The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined presents authoritative data proving that things are as peaceful today (homicide/violence against women/war) as they have ever been in history.

Otto Bettmann’s The Good Old Days - They Were Terrible! highlights the painful realities of American life in the 1800s, like adulterated food/child labor in sweatshops/rampant opium addiction…

So take care of yourself, do the research before you decide to sign that contract, take sensible precautions, and enjoy the adventure.